AICTE Approval Letter Admission Form Scholarship Form
+91-6283-240-770 Helpline number 18001801957

Guru Teg Bahadur Institute of Management & Technology, Dakha, Ludhiana

(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to IKG-Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar.)

Placement Policy

Objectives of the policy
  • (i) To appraise students regarding the rules and regulations of the Placement Policy & subsequent process.
  • (ii) To regulate procedures regarding taking part in the placement processes and offers arising out of the same.
  • (iii) To apprise students about the importance of PLACEMENT PREPARATORY in improving the employment index.
  • (iv) To codify the expected conduct of students during the processes and to specify the deterrents regarding unwarranted communication with companies or any other player/medium which might affect the image of GTBIMT directly or indirectly?
  • (v) To lay down the procedure and process for accepting Job Offers.
  • (vi) To lay down the number of Job offers available to students, conditions for accepting, overriding provisions etc.
  • (vii) To lay down guidelines for joining of students & related rules in terms of penalization, benefits, commitments & duty leaves.
Policy applicable on
  • (i) This Policy shall be effective for all diplomas, undergraduate and post graduate Courses along with their respective integrated courses passing out in the current year. The policy is also applicable to students who fall under any of the below mentioned.
    • a) A student who did not opt for Placement Services in the lower degree or was debarred will be allowed to register during the degree once again, after paying the registration fee of the degree.
    • b) A student, who completed the qualifying norms during the lower degree, will be allowed to register for the placement services in the higher degree by paying the remaining difference of fee in case it is higher than the already paid fee in the lower degree.
    • c) A student for whom the placement policy was not floated during the lower degree will be allowed to register for the higher degree, after paying the registration fee of the higher degree.
Registration Process

The process starts with registration of interested students and this would be done online. Students must carefully select / fill the details including:

  • a) Year of pass out
  • b) Correct course name
  • c) Email id & Mobile Number
Enrollment Fee

The student who registers for placement assistance will have to deposit the fee in the account office. This fee includes the costs (subsidized) of various inputs of PLACEMENT PREPARATORY and the tests conducted by the Institute along with various 3rd Party Diagnostic & Benchmarking tests like Co-Cube etc. The Institute may hire experts to conduct workshops & training sessions which generally invite a huge cost.

PLACEMENT PREPARATORY( Professional Enhancement Program )
  • (i) To prepare the students for the Placement Drives, a series of inputs, workshops, tests would be conducted, either by the PLACEMENT team or the concerned department.
  • (ii) Any student, if found non-serious during the inputs or comes under any disciplinary action will be permanently disqualified/ debarred from placement process. Such candidates will not be admitted back to the placement process. Separate annexures are attached with this document to provide details on the PLACEMENT PREPARATORY inputs. Students are required to read them carefully before accepting the policy
  • (iii) Some sessions might take place in the Summer Vacations, Winter Vacations and Holidays or on Sundays. Students are required to attend them as per policy. The attendance in all the PLACEMENT PREPARATORY sessions will be compulsory and will be mapped rigorously. No request for relaxation/exemption etc. whatsoever will be entertained.

Placement Kit : The students shall be required to maintain a placement kit in a prescribed folder containing the following (must be available at all times from the beginning of pre-final semester)

  • (i) 5 copies of their latest resume duly vetted by their faculty placement co-coordinator.
  • (ii) 5 passport size photographs.
  • (iii) Original copies of all relevant testimonials/certificates.
  • (iv) At least 2 photocopies of all relevant testimonials/ certificates
  • (v) A copy of the project report(s)/ training/ certifications and reports thereof undertaken by the student during the professional academic program.

Dress Code : Students must adhere to a proper dress code. Some of the suggestions are mentioned . The central PLACEMENT PREPARATORY team / departments would further appraise students on the same.

  • (i) Plain shirt with Neck-Tie (with blazer in winter), formal trousers (no jeans) and formal shoes. The color/combinations of shirts, trousers and Neck-Tie would be prescribed in due course of time.
  • (ii) Neatly cut hair of reasonable size for non-Sikh students. Male students not sporting regular beards are required to come clean-shaven
  • (iii) Turban for Sikh students.
  • (iv) Well-polished formal shoes are essential.
  • (v) For girls, formal and sober dress is essential. Girl students should consider wearing only essential jewelry item(s), if they want to sport any jewelry and only formal footwear. The make-up and cosmetics should be simple, decent and to be kept to bare minimum.

Placement Process is the recruitment process for a particular company under various available profiles. This starts with registration of the students for a particular process and culminates with final selection. The process may include various intervening stages like written tests, interviews etc. Placement Process may be classified as one of the following: Type of Campus Definition On Campus, Off Campus On Joint Campus, Off Joint Campus, Job Fair, Walk in

Types of Offers
  • (i) Pre-Placement Offer
  • (ii) Independent Offer
  • (iii) Job Offer

On Job Training (OJT) is a special dispensation created to facilitate the students to gain practical exposure and enhance their career prospects if selected by a company at any stage during the final semester. The relieving of students under OJT is regulated as per separate policy provisions. The policy is available on ONLINE for the students to read and exercise its utility. All the rules and regulations that are applicable on Job Offers will be similarly applicable on the OJT offers also.

Participation in Drives
  • (i) A Student can participate in any number of placement drives till he/she secures a job offer. At times company/Institute may prescribe certain criteria other than eligibility etc. to create a filter for assessing the students. This will be binding to the students.
  • (ii) As a thumb rule, a student should participate in all drives, till he/she gets selected. However due to some contingency, lack of preparation, lack of interest in a particular company or profile the student might give certain drives a miss.
  • (iii) If a student skips / fails to attend /does not register for more than Drives, then it may be taken as a sign of his/her non-seriousness towards placement activities and follow up action including debarment can be taken.
  • (iv) The Institute shall follow the principle of One student; One offer. Thus in ordinary circumstances, after a student secures an offer through a process facilitated by the Institute, he/she cannot take part in any other campus recruitment process and is expected to join the company for which he/she secured an offer through Institute.

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